Friday, September 21, 2012

1983, Freshman in High School

Communication. Sometimes we take it for granted how connected we are to each other in 2012. I can hardly recall not having a cell phone, even though a very small percentage of my life have I had one. I think that innovations in communication has to be a very important happening in my lifetime.

In 1983, the FCC approved the first wireless phone and its network, including it's operating frequency. The patent was owned by DynaTac and this technology opened the doors for a plethora of other mobile technologies.

The first "cell" phone that I used was equally grandiose...Some of my friends (J & J) will remember it.

And, of course, the "bees knees" at the time:

And, what? An upgrade that slides -- sexy:

Then, we get a little more fashionable (with Internet access):

Now, with 4G technology, the Samsung Infuse. My little lifeline:
Now that I have laid bare my mobile phone collection, what can we accomplish with  our "smartphones" and why does it necessarily make us intelligent? Short answer, it does not grant cognitive skills nor does it purvey logic. Sorry, I know that is an epiphany some folks are not ready to embrace. Such is life.

These communication device do provide benefits though. Countless gadgets, widgets, gizmos, and apps. How could we live without:

My godchildren have both completed all flavors of this blasted game. Addicting as it may well be. (5 & 9 years old).

Besides entertainment value, my Infuse allows me to check multiple email accounts, post to social networking sites, blog, take HD pictures/video, win an arguement with my best friend by looking up the truth on my phone (you know who you are), and the list goes on and on.

What is the most used app on my phone? Music. I am addicted to 0.99 cent downloads from Amazon. It's shameful, I know. But, rarely do I enter my vehicle that I do not plug in my phone to the car receiver and shuffle some playlist that I have created on my cell phone. Bliss, just bliss.

With all of this said, the question remains: what we would we do in 2012 if we had not mobile networks, no mobile email access, no InstaGram, no mobile social networking, and no wireless calls?

Would we talk less, visit more? Would our workplace efficiency be diminished? Would we forget about friends and family?

Would our civilization crumble?

I don't think so, because I lived in a time when none of this was possible; and I was happy and loved my friends.

Am I going to give up my Samsung Infuse with 4G technology? Hells no.It is an interesting scenario, nonetheless.

Oh, gotta go, one of my good friends is texting me to see if I want to come for a visit!

How about that.

1 comment:

  1. I remember rarely being able to use that bag phone. Expensive shit.
